It is the perfect combination to fight the heat and also to satisfy hunger in a very healthy way.
Fruit salads can be made as we like, but we recommend this recipe because of the diverse mixture of flavors you can find and because of the acidic combination of some fruits such as kiwi, the texture and sweetness of the grapes and the sweet and sour of pineapple makes a perfect combination.
To Prepare this salad bowl, we’ve used the following fruits:
Strawberries, oranges, kiwi, peach, pineapple and grapes.
Cut the fruit into small pieces and you can pour a little sugar on top, then let it cool so that the sugar melts producing a natural syrup.
Topping free is also delicious because you can appreciate the nuances of flavors of the different fruits and, for those with a sweet tooth, you can make a thousand combinations such as pouring a splash of melted chocolate on top.
In any case, it is a delicious dessert or an appetizing dinner for those who want to enjoy a more restful sleep after a less heavy digestion, as we talked about in our previous article MENS SANA IN CORPORE SANO, FREE YOURSELF FROM STRESS.
Bon apetite!